Cabinet notebooks

Cabinet notebooks (22A(1) a Cabinet notebook is in the open access period if a period of 50 years has elapsed since the end of the year ending on 31 December in which the Cabinet notebook came into existence).
— RecordSearch note


closed files

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is the average age of closed files that cite this reason, based on the date of their earliest content


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is the average age of decisions to closed files citing this reason

When were closed files citing this reason being created?
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How old are closed files that cite this reason?
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When were access decisions that cite this reason made?
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What series contain most closed files citing this reason?
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Here's some examples of closed files that cite this reason…

Series Control Symbol Title Contents dates
A5931 CL806 SPECIAL ANNEX Australia - Japan Ministerial Committee Meeting - Tokyo 1973 - Special Annex SA/4 Jun 1973 - Jun 1973